Károly Mátrai

CEO, MVM Group

Károly Mátrai is a seasoned economist and energy expert with over 25 years of experience in energy trading, business management, brokerage, and finance. From 2008 to 2020, he served as CEO and a member of the board of directors of KELER CCP, the leading clearinghouse in the CEE region for capital and energy markets. Additionally, he has also held a position on the Association of Futures Markets' (AFM) Supervisory Board. After leaving KELER CCP, Mátrai joined MET Group, a Swiss-based energy company where he spent two years as the CFO of MET Romania Energy before taking a position as the Integration Manager at Cogen Energia Espana, which is also part of MET Group. In January 2023, Mátrai was appointed CEO of MVM Group, the second-largest company group in Hungary and the tenth largest in Central Europe. MVM Group, the predominant player of the Hungarian energy system with over 18,000 employees and more than 10 million residential and corporate customers, is committed to guaranteeing the security of the country's and the region's energy supply.

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